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  • Meeting Address:
    800 Piner Road
    Wilmington, NC 28409

Service Times

  • Sunday: 
    10:00 AM in the Sanctuary
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Local & Global Outreach



He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."  - Mark 16:15:

Local Outreach

We encourage you to get involved in local missions!  Myrtle Grove financially and prayerfully supports the following ministries:

  • Lifeline Pregnancy Center: Offers free pregnancy testing, confidential peer counseling, information on abortion alternatives, adoption, parenting and pregnancy.
    Phone: (910) 392-0001
  • Carolina Christian Radio: Reaching Wilmington, southeastern North Carolina and beyond through live streaming. Offering instruction on family life, and informative national call-in shows, with local Wilmington area news and weather.
    Phone: (910) 763-2452 
    Webpage: www.life905.com
  • International Seamen’s Center: The center is a non-profit Christian organization, with the mission of serving the temporal and spiritual needs of seamen who visit our port.
    Phone: (910) 762-3792
  • New Life Prison Ministry: A volunteer organization seeking to minister to those in jail and prison through spiritual and practical means.
    Phone: (910) 254-1443

Global Outreach

  • Asaph & Lynn:  World Outreach, Cricket Ministry & Campus Health Clinic in East Asia
  • Lance & Lisa:  Pioneers in the Middle East - Regional Director & Refugee Medical Clinic
  • Jennings & Douglas:  Wycliffe Bible Translation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Elliot:  Betel International - Restoring broken lives & church planting among the addicted in Madrid & the Nations
  • Steve & Rissa:  Timothy Two Project International - Training & equipping national pastors and leaders in Asia & around the world   www.timothytwo.org
  • Ricky & Aidan:  Wycliffe International Media Services at the JAARS campus in Dallas, TX
  • Peace & Alex:  Aringa, Uganda - Children’s Ministry
  • Valya & Gunner:  Ministry To educate and equip Russian speakers in the US
  • Dan & Beth:  Timothy Two Project International - Training & equipping national pastors and leaders in Central and South America  www.timothytwo.org  
  • Steve:  Global Outreach through dental clinic in Belize
  • Kyle & Brittany:  Vigilant Hope in Wilmington, NC
  • Doug & Beth:  Wycliffe Bible Translation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   
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