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Beyond Divorce Papers

Beyond Divorce Papers

Aug 31, 2014

Preacher: Rev. Steve Mattis

Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

Category: Sunday Sermons


Beyond Divorce Papers.

The Greatest Sermon ever preached!
Sermon on the Mount

Jesus has been teaching by contrasts:
“Old” Righteousness by the Law and the “New” Righteousness available to everyone who possesses a New Kingdom Heart.

So far:

  • Murder contrasted to Anger, Contempt and destructive talk.
  • Adultery contrasted to Fantasized Desire.

The third contrast Jesus takes up:
Matt. 5:31-32

Observation: FLOW of the Sermon

  • Kingdom of God is available to everyone!
  • Jesus teaches on ANGER/CONTEMPT.
  • DIVORCE: Beyond Divorce Papers.

The Brilliance of Jesus the teacher!
If there were no ANGER/CONTEMPT
If there were no FANTASIZED DESIRE
There would be far less DIVORCE!

No to the Kingdom of God! No to God’s rule!

In the time of Jesus a man could get rid of a woman for any reason. Just if she displeased him in any way.

Jesus is denouncing the “Old Righteousness.”

A man was generally thought to be “righteous or good” in the matter of divorce if, when he sent his wife away, he gave her a “written statement” that declared her to be divorced.
Matt. 19:3-10

Prevailing attitude
Vrs. 3 “Pharisees...Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?
Vrs. 10 “Disciples...said, If such is the case of the man with his wife, it is better not to marry.

Jesus summarized God view:

Vrs. 4 God made man male and female.
Vrs. 5 A man shall leave, be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.
Vrs. 6 “They are no longer two but one. What God joined together let no man separate.”
Vrs. 7-8 “Why did Moses command to give a “certificate”... Permitted because of the hardness of your hearts.”
Vrs. 8 From the beginning it was not so!

Retrace the logic of Jesus:

  • Keeping the Law i.e., giving a “pink slip” doesn’t make you “righteous” in divorce.
  • God’s original intention was for the union of one man and one woman to experience the deepest possible relationship, drawing on divine resources.
  • This unity in relationship is inseparable and when violated creates untold pain.
  • However, God allowed for divorce in extreme cases because of man’s “Hardness of Heart.”

It is the “hardness of the human heart” that Jesus cites as grounds for divorce even in the case of adultery.

In other words, the ultimate grounds for divorce is human meanness. (Hardness of Heart)

Unwillingness to “change one’s mind” so that the Kingdom of God can rule in us.


  1. Anger, hatred, Contempt, verbal and physical abuse.
  2. All forms of Fantasized Desire and Discontentment.
  3. Asserting one’s own kingdom. (Will and Rights)

Jesus came announcing, “The Good news: the Kingdom is at hand” Matt. 4:17

Change your mind (Believe this good news!)

Invite the Kings Resources into your life!

These resources deliver us from Murder but also Anger, Contempt and Abusive talk.

These resources delivers us from Adultery and also Fantasized desire.

These resources deliver us from Divorce bringing us into mystical union and loving relationship with the King and with each other!

Jesus wasn’t condemning anyone. Rather, he was pointing out the narrow, legalistic practice of the religious establishment of his day.

He was giving the common people, who had suffered under legal misinterpretation, hope that only comes from receiving the resources of the kingdom of God.

This hope is vital relationship with Jesus himself. Who would send the Holy Spirit in live in us and teach and guide us. Resource us!

Have you received the full resources of the King of Heaven? 

The Holy Spirit is your personal resource in times of challenge and need.

Receiving Holy Spirit is one short, genuine, heart felt prayer away. (turning from/turning to)

The Kingdom of God is at hand (available)! Will you receive His Power or will you continue to try to live on you own resources?

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