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Nov 16, 2014

Preacher: Rev. Steve Mattis

Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

Category: Sunday Sermons


The Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5 - 7

This morning we have an opportunity to process and talk about some of what struck us about the Sermon on the Mount. 

So, get ready to share some of your thoughts. 

Keep them centered on the Sermon on the mount or a testimony related to it.

First a brief recap of some of our content:

The call to reevaluate your life in light of the present reality of the K.O.G.

Jesus, reminds the multitude of their blessedness before God.

Salt preserves; Light reveals. Let your light shine so your Father will be seen in you.

Jesus fulfilled the “Law and Prophets.” Our righteousness is to exceed that of the Scribes.

The Kingdom heart demonstrates genuine righteousness. Keeps a watch over our heart.

The Kingdom heart expresses Kingdom attitudes. (watch anger, contempt, speech)

“Fantasized desire” can destroy the primary marriage relationship. 

Jesus forbid “oaths” that manipulate people and push your point of view.

Let God love your enemies through you!

Do your acts of righteousness to be seen by God only. Disarms hypocrisy.

Be careful of “securing” your life through “treasures on the earth.”

‘Ask, Seek and Knock.’ Expect your Father in heaven to answer.

The “Narrow and Confining “ way leads to life. Our way doesn’t!

False prophets can only be known by their fruit. Pay attention to yours also.

Questions I asked you to ponder.

What impacted you personally about the words of Jesus?

How have His words led you to change an attitude or behavior?

Has your understanding of the Kingdom expanded since your study of the Sermon?

Have others commented on your “light shinning” through your actions or attitudes?

What are you doing differently because of the Sermon on the Mount?